Bienvenue, Invité ! 0 pts

Commentaires de TiGurius

Jeu gratuit Faultline

Faultline Le 17/05/2011 à 13h13

Concept du jeu bien sympathique. Peut-être un peu monotone malgré la difficulté croissante.


Jeu gratuit Mole's quest 2

Mole's quest 2 Le 15/05/2011 à 20h42

Durée de vie, très limité.

Jeu gratuit Doodle God

Doodle God Le 22/02/2011 à 11h19

earth + fire = lava
earth + air = dust
water + fire = alcohol
water + earth = swamp
air + water = steam
air + fire = energy
water + alcohol = vodka
water + lava = stone, steam
fire + dust = ash
energy + swamp = life
air + energy = storm
life + stone = egg
life + ash = ghost
water + life = weeds
swamp + life = bacteria
stone + fire = metal
air + stone = sand
energy + metal = electricity
life + sand = seeds
air + egg = bird
earth + egg = dinosaur
sand + egg = turtle
earth + weed = mushroom
metal + steam = boiler
fire + sand = glass
water + bacteria = plankton
swamp + sand = clay
swamp + weeds = moss
swamp + bacteria = worm, sulfur
air + worm = butterfly
life + clay = golem
fire + bird = phoenix
earth + worm = beetle
stone + plankton = shell
dinosaur + fire = dragon
storm + bird = thunder bird
worm + swamp = snake
earth + moss = grass
earth + seed = tree
clay + fire = bricks
life + golem = human
life + tree = treant
snake + worm = lizard
stone + shell = limestone
sand + beetle = scorpion
fire + grass = tobacco
fire + tree = coal
water + snake = fish
swamp + grass = reed
swamp + moss = fern
energy + human = wizard
fish + plankton = whale
dinosaur + human = blood
lizard + earth = beast
human + human = sex
coal + water = oil
coal + boiler = steam-engine
clay + human = ceramics
clay + limestone = cement
human + alcohol = alcoholic
human + metal = tools
human + stone = hut
blood + human = vampire
energy + wizard = demigod
human + beast = domestic animal
fish + beast = dolphin
tree + tools = wood
tools + reed = paper
tools + earth = field
cement + water = concrete
tools + snake = poison
metal + tools = weapon
human + domestic animal = wool, milk, meat
grass + domestic animal = milk, fertilizer
beast + vampire = werewolf
Wool + tools = fabric
human + weapon = hunter
poison + human = corpse
weapon + poison = poisoned weapon
bricks + concrete = house
field + seeds = wheat
tobacco + paper = cigarette
wood + tools = wheel
wood + water = boat
limestone + fertilizer = saltpetre
corpse + life = zombie
human + fabric = clothes
poisoned weapon + human = assassin
hunter + weapon = warrior
glass + house = skyscraper
hunter + bird = meat, feather, blood
wheat + alcohol = beer
weath + stone = flour
wood + wheel = cart
boat + wood = ship
saltpetre + sulfur = gunpowder
water + flour = dough
paper + feather = book
warrior + dragon = hero
cart + beast = chariot
cart + steam engine = locomotive
cart + oil = car
ship + steam engine = steam ship
ship + fabric = frigate
zombie + corpse = ghoul
gunpowder + weapon = firearm
dough + fire = bread
car + air = airplane

Jeu gratuit The Domino Knight 2

The Domino Knight 2 Le 28/04/2009 à 21h18

Code :

1 - [ No code ]
2 - train
3 - maple
4 - jump
5 - south
6 - thumb
7 - taxi
8 - couch
9 - noodle
10 - cellular
11 - canon
12 - raptor
13 - blueberry
14 - precision
15 - contraption
16 - bacon
17 - [ No code It's Finished ;) ]

Jeu gratuit Never End

Never End Le 04/10/2008 à 18h57

A la dénommée " x-O_o-x ":
l'intelligence n'est pas une faculté exclusivement réservée à nous les hommes, il arrive (parfois :P) que les femmes, elles aussi fassent preuve d'ingéniosité et tu la toi même démontrée, reste a voir si c'est vrai... Cependant tes réflexions tu te les gardes ;)

Un bon ptit jeu de réflexions >> 15/20
